Saturday, November 17, 2012

Some Words From Sweets* 🌹

-Written by Sweets*

Hello my beautiful Picos, 
sending you all a big hug and to let you all know that I am with you in heart <3 
I carry each and every one of you with me all the time. 
You have made beautiful footprints in my heart that will remain in there forever. 
I am not sure what the outcome for our beautiful Ameba Pico world will be. 
I have been away for too long to know what's really happening. 
I am aware that our friends from PicoStyle are working hard in saving Ameba Pico. 
I ask that you all give them all your full support. 
Please keep smiling, spread the love around 
and never forget that I, Sweets*/sweet mom/ Lori Novo, 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome Oceanis 🌋

-Written by Sweets*

Mmmm, who can this possibly be?
It is none other than Oceanis 

Welcome to our wonderful Pico world Oceanis.
And standing next to him is MEEEEEE..... Sweets* 
just in case you had forgotten how I look like :P

SOOO, SOOO Sorry I haven't been on for a while :(((
You all have my permission to kick my little Pico butt for leaving you alone for so long.
All I ask is that you form one line and no pushing or cutting,  
Don't worry, everyone will get their chance but PLEASE don't wear heavy boots :P

Let the butt-kicking begin!

So what is the first thing I do when Oceanis steps foot in our Pico world?
I take him gambling, of course, :P 
Hey, I need to get him hooked on something so he won't run back to where he came from
and what better way than to get him into the gambling fever, right?!
Still feeling like I REALLY had to impress the guy a little more with all our Ameba Pico things, 
so I take him to the Stone Age to meet our so-loved Dino. However, 
I had no luck there since we didn't get enough people to dance the Volcano Dance to make our Dino
come out from his hiding place.  Anyways, how many people are needed for this, like 100 maybe? 
Some people probably didn't have the dance to help us out or just simply refused to help like our
friend ivix 123...

(15:00) Sweets*: plz dance
(15:00) ivix 123: no
(15:00) Sweets*: lol
(15:00) Sweets*: why not?
(15:00) Sweets*: lol
(15:00) Sweets*: help us out plz 

Ok.... nooo because you don't have the dance
nooo because you are being shy?

No need to be shy around Sweets*, 
don't you know I am the biggest goofball in the history of Ameba Pico?
Anyways, others just decided to ignore my plea for help and kept away.... 
as far away from me as they could, doing their own thing... sleeping LOL :P

(15:04) мαχı яø¢κš : camp fire!!!
(15:05) мαχı яø¢κš : me love camp fires
(15:05) мαχı яø¢κš : uke uke
(15:06) мαχı яø¢κš : taka weke
(15:06) мαχı яø¢κš : yumas luv outa pee pee
(15:07) мαχı яø¢κš : me gobak to home and sleep
(15:07) мαχı яø¢κš : zzzzzzzz

From there we went to the Space Center where I saw WAFFLES. 
OMG, now I am hungry :(

I am off to Ihop to order myself a big stack of waffles.
and btw, I think my plan with Oceanis worked, he just expanded his room 
and is busy decorating it so I better not stand in his way.

Adios my beautifuls, lots of love from your Sweets* <3333 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ahoy Friends!!!

-Written by Sweets*

 Ahoy Friends!!!
Can you guess where I am?

Did I hear someone say the Caribbean Seaport?
Aye matey, you are CORRECTO!
Today I felt like traveling the seven seas in search for new treasures.

But what is this that I see?
You big liar, I will be suing you for false advertisement.  

Of course, I found you, you can run but you can never hide from me! 
None of your actions are new, they are sooo last year :P

๖ۣḈḧụḃṡ from France wake up and smell the coffee!!!
Lil' Lemon has no new actions at the moment.

Lil' Lemon, your lies have broken my heart :(
The only thing left for me to do is jump into the ocean (violin music playing in the background)
and go deep, deep, deep until I touch bottom.... mmmm, I am sooo dramatic :P

Never mind, instead, I'll leave you with this cool list of Pirate language :PPP

Ahoy: Hey!
Avast: Stop!
Aye: Yes
Booty: treasure
Doubloons: pieces of gold.
Fiddlers Green: the private heaven where pirates be goin' when they die.
Grog: A pirate's favorite drink.
Lass: A woman
Me hearty: a friend or shipmate.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Wedding Hall 💍

Written by Sweets*

Finally! It was about time Ameba Pico provided a wedding hall 
so beautiful and perfect to get married in.

Even I feel like getting married now, so I stood there by the altar 
all dressed up waiting for  Mr. Right to give me the "I Do", 
but with the luck I've been having there were no volunteers, 
not even the flies came close to me :P

I guess for now all I can do is sleep in this glass slipper 
until my knight in shining armor makes his entrance through those doors, 
so I better make sure they are not locked.

Hmmm, I did notice ☆100% HALAL™☆ from Indonesia
 coming in but not dressed appropriately for a wedding. 
Actually not dressed appropriately to be in public.

I wonder if  Mickey Mozer from the USA is waiting for her charming prince too :O

♥♬OH**HANI !!! from Australia 

Is this the knight in shining armor I've been waiting for? 
He is dressed nicely and does have the mustache which I looove but I just don't feel the love :(

I'll just wait a bit longer, maybe another year or two :P

It is getting too crowded in here!

I see I'm not the only one waiting at the altar for a volunteer to take the leap with us. 
Maybe instead of wasting my time waiting for Mr. Right, 
which is more likely to NEVER appear in the picture, 
 I'll just go and spin the Gacha for a while. I'll probably be luckier there :P

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The White Rose

-Written by Sweets*

At first, ѕιℓνι caught my attention because she looked so pretty in pink.
But after I clicked on her profile, I realized that it was mainly her personality 
that had attracted my attention to her. It seems that many times I am able to sense 
the goodness that people carry in their hearts even before 
I get to know more about them. This I see as a gift, like a kindness detector.

Miracles do exist!
  They happen every day to all of us. 
But unfortunately, they go unnoticed due to the busy and fast lives we live in.
We should all take a moment during our day to count our blessings 
and be thankful for what we have.

A little story I wrote...

The White Rose
A tiny seed falls from the sky, gliding smoothly through the clouds. 
Finally, she lands on the peak of the highest mountain. 
The landing was rough since the whole land was covered with ice. 
She stays there, motionless for a moment. 
The sun, seeing this, sends bright and warm rays over her. 
Suddenly, the seed blooms into a beautiful white rose, and looking at the land she smiles. 
The sun keeps her warm during the day by hugging her with his rays.

At the end of the day, it is time for the sun to go. 
He promises her that he will return every day to keep her warm and says goodbye. 
Night falls, bringing a snowstorm. It has no mercy on the beautiful rose. 
All night she shivers and she can barely breathe with the harsh temperatures. 
Finally, the day arrives again. The sun searches for the rose and finds her buried under the snow. 
He sends again rays of light and warmth to her. 
The snow that covers the rose starts to melt. 
But the rose is already dying. She looks up at the sun and thanks him for his kindness. 
The sun starts to cry, feeling hopeless.

The rose looks up to him with a smile and says... 
"Don't cry my good friend, I had a good life. 
I was given a home to live in that looks as white as the sky. 
I got to feel the breeze play with my petals and I was given a wonderful friend. 
I felt your love for me in the warmth of your rays. You lit my world, my dear friend. "

Then she closed her eyes... and she was gone.

In my story, you will find miracles, blessings, gratitude, friendship, and love.
My little white rose never complained but was always thankful for what she had. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Farmer Babe Outfit 🐑

-Written by Sweets*

thanks sweetie for your post, SuPeR LoVe YoU <3

Here are the pieces I am wearing for my...
let's call it "Farmer Babe" outfit ;)

1: Salopette with Chiffon Blouse/ yellow
100 AG or 1 Token
Also available with Pink or White top
Tokyo ~Japan~
Shibuya 106
2: Vintage Engineer Boots/ Beige
50 AG or 1 Token
Also available in Black
3: Side Bow Prom Headband/ White
Got it last year at Prom Shop
4: Single Rose White
Sorry, can't remember :(

Fashion Idol

Man O' man, 
you see MILLIONS of outfits in Pico each day! But, there is one person in Pico 
who'd fashion is sooo.... elegant and simple. I mean, you hardly see ANY of that in Pico. 
You usually see those BIG LOOK AT ME outfits. Or those, ninja suits and sunglasses. 
This person I idolize, it's Sweets*. I mean she has a DISTINCTIVE fashion sense, 
that I'm jealous of, and I'm just DYING to know what she is wearing
I love Sweets*, and I love her style... I don't get to see her much in Pico, 
but when I do, it's a moment to remember and cherish forever!